The colored lens
Our experiences color and shape our perspective—how we see the world and how we think the world sees us. This coloring distorts our ability to see clearly, to see things as they really are, including ourselves. Experiencing life through a distorted lens means that many of our thoughts, feelings and actions arise out of misperceptions.
Changing the lens
Perceiving with clarity so we respond appropriately requires an openness to thinking, feeling, and behaving differently. It also requires courage and effort! Humans create patterns of thought and behavior. This is what we do. Some patterns are healthy and some are not. Bringing awareness to what we are doing and why creates space in our minds to recognize the difference. Change the experience to change the lens. Change the lens to change the experience. We must do both.
Why practice?
Cultivating awareness to see our patterns takes practice. We need to know WHAT and HOW to practice. True Evolution creates intentionally designed experiences rooted in the principals of Yoga. Yoga teaches a holistic understanding of what the human system is so all of our complex dimensions are considered.
Body, Breath, Mind, Personality & Emotions
When we influence all five dimensions, the results are holistic. With the proper application of Yoga’s tools through a steadily guided practice there is potential for a greater quality of life through our improved