Personal Practice
The Elements of Practice, involving body, breath and mind, encompass techniques rooted in the principals of Yoga. Your goals and needs are the primary considerations for developing a personal daily practice unique to you. As you continue to evolve, your practice will too.
Support Sessions
Steady guidance and practice are essential to the evolution process. At the beginning, many changes will be necessary to keep up with your development. There will also be times when you require less support. Ultimately, the frequency of Support Sessions is up to you.
Elements of Practice
Slow, dynamic movements in concert with your breath cultivate stability and ease in both body and mind.
Discovering the subtleties of your breath allows for a deeper connection with your inner self.
The journey from movement to stillness is an exploration of the qualities of the mind and your capacity to influence them.
Yoga Therapy
Heal; to make or become healthy or whole again.
Physical injuries, disease and emotional pain are all part of the human condition. Healing is essential to living comfortably in our bodies and is an ongoing process. Each of us has an innate power to heal. As past and future experiences continue to affect our health in undesirable ways, we consider body, breath, mind, personality and emotions. Yoga is holistic, which makes healing possible.
Theory & Philosophy
Authoritative Yoga texts such as the Yogasūtra of Patañjali, the Bhagavad Gītā, Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā and Yoga Yājñavalkya are the doorway to realizing our own human potential. Steady practices guided by these fundamental teachings help us understand what Yoga is and how to skillfully apply it in our daily lives.